Commenting on the name Kindness to start our reading this week, pages 300–309 in The Constant Companion, Easwaran gives us fascinating insights into his view of human nature:

“It is a very poor evaluation of human beings to think that impatience and violent reactions are part of human nature. We have to look to people like Mahatma Gandhi, kind under any provocation, to see what human nature is really like. Gandhi’s life showed over and over that even a violent person will respond if exposed to someone who, by being always kind, focuses consistently on the highest in our nature.”

We too are slowly gaining this ability to focus on the highest in those around us, he explains. As meditation deepens and the mantram begins to get established, you gradually build the strength “to take whatever life deals out without losing your humanity.”

  • Is there a particular situation that causes you to get speeded up or agitated? What tips does Easwaran offer in this reading that you could try out in this situation? Even if the tips don’t seem to directly apply, try them anyhow and tell us what you find.

  • We’ve been giving special attention to our practice of Spiritual Reading. This week notice how reading Easwaran supports your relationships with difficult people in your life.

And to close, here is a spiritual entertainment treat from Easwaran. In this three-minute video he shows the importance of learning to train our attention.

* For those using electronic versions of The Constant Companion with different page numbering: this week’s reading is Easwaran’s commentary on the names Kindness through The Lawgiver. (Please note that the latest edition of our ebook is titled Names of the Lord.)