Our reading this week is pages 56–62 in The Constant Companion, and covers four names: Spirit, The Supreme Self, He Who Has Beautiful Hair, and The Thief.

Commenting on the name Purusha, Spirit, Easwaran explains that purusha is our real Self, “the Inner Ruler that dwells within and governs our activities.” This body of ours is thus a kind of temple or shrine, to which we must give loving care. “But we should always remember that we are not the body but Purusha, pure spirit. No matter how well we care for it, the body, like all things physical, has to pass away someday. We, the Self, can never die.”

  • Which lines particularly strike you, and how can you apply them to your life this week?

  • Your spiritual reading – and all your interactions with Easwaran – are helping you draw out your ability to see the Lord in all. What do you notice about how that is affecting your experience in different types of situations in your life?