“The Lord loves all creatures, but those who love him with all their hearts have an innate power to draw his love in return. As Saint Teresa of Avila says, Amor saca amor: ‘Love draws love.’” – Eknath Easwaran

This week let’s read Easwaran’s commentary on the names Kshama, Patience, and Bhakta-Vatsala, Lover of His Devotees, together covering pages 68–75 in The Constant Companion.

Easwaran notes that Krishna “has a particularly warm corner in his heart” for his householder devotees, who live in the world, contending with all its challenges yet managing to remember him during parts of their day.

Here in the eSatsang, we are each inspiring each other to these little successes, and together drawing much love from the Lord.

  • What is Easwaran telling you about the workings of your own mind? This week, use this new understanding to get some cooperation from your mind when it is being uncooperative. Tell us how it goes!

  • Through our spiritual reading, Easwaran is helping us to be aware of the Lord’s presence in all. Are there ways in which these stories can help you to share that awareness with others in your life?

For our spiritual treat, here is Easwaran reading the passage “Whatever You Do,” from the Bhagavad Gita.